Hosting a series of trail running events in the Boyne Valley, Queensland

"Every athlete doesn't have equal ability, they all have equal value."
- Gary "Lazarus Lake" Cantrell

Upcoming Events

A multi-distance trail event along the Dawes Range section of the
Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail from Builyan to Barrimoon.

The Steven Bradbury event of ultra running. You don't have to be the fastest; just be the Last One Standing. Complete 6.7km in the hour, every hour, from sunrise to sunset.

Proudly Supporting

10% of all event registration fees will go to support both the Builyan Many Peaks Community Development Association and Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail Inc. Community based organisations for the benefit and improvement of local facilities.

Proudly Supported By

Milepost Events are both thankful and proud to have aligned ourselves with Australian businesses that support what we do and love.

Explore The Boyne Valley

An hours drive from Gladstone in Central Queensland, the Boyne Valley is a rural community containing the townships of Nagoorin, Ubobo, Builyan and Many Peaks. The Boyne River, Awoonga Dam and a network of National Parks and forests combine to create a place of great natural beauty.